Meet Paige
January 8,2018 started as a normal crazy morning at the Keelys. Loud music in the morning,crazy animals running all over and getting my 3 Kiddos ready for school.
Breakfast served, snacks & lunches packed and Paiges adorable crazy outfit were ready for the day. Kisses goodbye, I love you have the best day… They were off to school.

Meet Lauren
Lauren’s Grade V AVM, is considered to be untreatable due to size, depth, and location near eloquent parts of the brain.
Her AVM is encompasses most of her left frontal lobe, and spreads into her left temporal and parietal lobes. It is 8.2cm x 5.5cm x 8.4cm, similar in size to a baseball. Picture a baseball in your brain. Now picture it in a child’s brain.

Meet Johbis
How do I start to write about my 4 year old whom passed away? It’s still not something I can come to terms with, and it may never be. He is my rainbow baby. I was told I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant, and yet, he came into my life with a force so extraordinary and remained a beautiful, vibrant, sassy light for all to witness until my twisted nightmare came true. It’s not a reality. It’s not MY reality.